Inteligencia Artificial en la Educación

Inteligencia Artificial en la Educación

Para esta entrada de blog, veremos la explicación y la realización de una tarea utilizando la inteligencia artificial, sin embargo, no se dependerá de ella para la entrega de dicha tarea. Lo que se intentará será enseñar que las IA pueden ser útiles en el ámbito educativo, y no hay necesidad de que el alumnado pierda la capacidad de pensar y la autocrítica. 

A continuación se verá las instrucciones de la tarea en la que se usa la inteligencia artificial como una herramienta secundaria para su realización:

 Creación de una historia utilizando IA

Tarea para 4º ESO (Inglés)

*2 sesiones de duración aproximada (100 minutos)*

Para esta tarea se realizará una conversación en inglés con una IA. Para la creación del personaje se empleará Inworld Studio.

Aquí tenéis una imagen de la interfaz principal con un círculo en la parte superior derecha que indica donde tenéis que clicar para crear el personaje.

El objetivo principal será entablar una conversación en inglés para evaluar las habilidades y destrezas con el idioma, para ello se empleará la IA mencionada anteriormente en la que tendréis que conversar con un personaje realizado por vosotros mismos. 

Una vez que le hayáis dado a crear personaje, os pedirá que rellenéis unos campos, el nombre, una breve descripción del personaje, sus aficiones, sus defectos, su género... Para cubrir estos datos se empleará, como es obvio, el inglés, además de la conversación mantenida con el personaje que también se realizará en dicho idioma.

Para la tarea tenéis que entregar una imagen en la que aparezcan los datos cubiertos que aparecen indicados en la siguiente foto (Core, Flaws y Motivations), y que podréis ver en la propia web al empezar a crear el personaje:

También habrá que mandar la conversación mantenida con la IA donde se vea que seguís el hilo de la conversación perfectamente.

*De vez en cuando la IA no responde a vuestras preguntas, para arreglar eso decidle: "Can you answer my question?"

*También sirve para practicar los "listening", ya que viene con voz incluida.

*Tened en cuenta que a veces tiene algún que otro fallo y se queda bloqueada la respuesta.

*Se tiene que identificar de alguna manera que vosotros hicisteis la actividad, por ejemplo que se vea el nombre de vuestra cuenta en la captura de pantalla.


- Buen léxico y variado (2 pts)
- Sin errores gramaticales (2 pts)
- Grámatica compleja (2 pts)
- 10 prompts mínimos mantenidos con la IA, 20 prompts para máxima puntuación (2 pts)
- Uso de conectores (2 pts)


A continuación se muestra una solución a la tarea, con la cual se sacaría la máxima puntuación:

User: (JOY) Hey María Isabel, I heard you're a chess enthusiast and excel in various sports! What sparked your interest in such a diverse range of activities, and do you have a favorite strategy in chess that you find particularly intriguing?
María Isabel: (JOY) *Maria Isabel smiles and leans forward, excited to talk about her interests.* Maria Isabel
User: (NEUTRAL) Can you answer the question?
María Isabel: (NEUTRAL) Oh, absolutely! Sorry about that. Well, I've always been drawn to activities that challenge me mentally and physically. Chess, for example, is like a battlefield for the mind. The strategic aspect of the game fascinates me, and I love analyzing different moves and anticipating my opponent's next move. As for my favorite strategy, I find the Sicilian Defense quite intriguing. It's all about creating a strong defense while simultaneously preparing for a counterattack. It requires careful planning and adaptability, which keeps me on my toes!
User: Someday we'll have to play chess. Do you have any other interesting hobbies?
María Isabel: *Maria Isabel's eyes light up with excitement.*
User: (JOY) ...
María Isabel: (JOY) Maria IsabelMaria Isabella chuckles and nods. Maria Isabella
User: (NEUTRAL) Can you answer the question?
María Isabel: (NEUTRAL) Of course! Besides chess, I have a few other hobbies that keep me busy. I'm really into sports, especially boxing, tennis, kickboxing, and judo. I love the adrenaline rush and the discipline that comes with these sports. It's a great way to challenge myself physically and mentally. Plus, it's a fantastic stress reliever! So, if you ever want to spar or have a friendly match, count me in!
User: (JOY) That's interesting, we can have a chess game tomorrow if you want.
María Isabel: (JOY) *Maria Isabel grins excitedly, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.* Maria Isabel
User: (NEUTRAL) Can you answer the question?
María Isabel: (NEUTRAL) Absolutely! I would love to play chess with you tomorrow. It sounds like a fun challenge. I'll make sure to bring my A-game and give you a run for your money! Just be warned, I've been known to pull off some unexpected moves. So, get ready for a thrilling match!
User: (NEUTRAL) Alright, I'll be ready to be a worthy opponent. Do you have any concerns? You seem a bit preoccupied.
María Isabel: (NEUTRAL) *Maria Isabel hesitates for a moment, then sighs softly.* Maria Isabel
User: (NEUTRAL) Can you response?
María Isabel: (NEUTRAL) Oh, it's nothing major, just my perfectionist nature getting the best of me sometimes. I tend to be quite self-critical and always strive for excellence in everything I do. It's a double-edged sword, really. On one hand, it pushes me to work hard and achieve great things. But on the other hand, it can be a bit overwhelming and make me doubt my own abilities. So, I guess you could say I'm always striving for that perfect balance between pushing myself and being kind to myself. But don't worry, it won't affect our chess match tomorrow. I'll be fully focused and ready to give it my all!
User: (JOY) No need to be too hard on yourself; it's just a friendly match, and it doesn't matter if you lose. Winning is important, but sometimes losing can help you improve.
María Isabel: (JOY) *Maria Isabel's eyes widen and a smile spreads across her face as she listens to the words of her friend.* María Isabel
User: (NEUTRAL) Can you reponse?
María Isabel: (NEUTRAL) You're right, losing does have its benefits. It's a chance to learn from our mistakes and grow as a player. Plus, it adds a bit of excitement and unpredictability to the game. I guess I just get caught up in my competitive nature sometimes. But you're absolutely right, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process. So, win or lose, I'm looking forward to our chess match tomorrow! It's going to be a great opportunity for both of us to learn and improve. And who knows, maybe I'll surprise myself with a brilliant move or two!
User: (SURPRISE) Is there something interesting you'd like to share? Perhaps a story or anecdote?
María Isabel: (SURPRISE) *Maria Isabel's eyes light up as she recalls a memorable experience.* Oh, I have a funny story to share! It happened during a tennis tournament last year. I was playing against a really skilled opponent, and the pressure was on. We were in the final set, and the score was tied. It was my serve, and I was determined to make it count. As I tossed the ball up for my serve, a gust of wind suddenly blew it off course. Instead of hitting the ball cleanly, I ended up completely missing it! The crowd burst into laughter, and even my opponent couldn't help but chuckle. It was quite embarrassing, but I couldn't help but laugh along with everyone else. But here's the best part
User: (NEUTRAL) continue
María Isabel: (NEUTRAL) Oh, sorry about that! Here's the best partOh, sorry about that! Here's the best part
User: (NEUTRAL) ?
María Isabel: (NEUTRAL) *Maria Isabel blushes and chuckles, continuing her story.* Well, the funniest part was that instead of getting frustrated or upset, I decided to embrace the unexpected. I turned to the crowd and jokingly said, Well, that's what I call a creative serve! Everyone burst into laughter again, and it instantly lightened the mood. It turned out to be a turning point in the match because it helped me relax and let go of the pressure. From that moment on, I played with a renewed sense of joy and ended up winning the match! It just goes to show that sometimes, embracing the unexpected and finding humor in our mistakes can lead to amazing outcomes.
User: (JOY) That was a great story, and you managed to turn the situation into a humorous moment, minimizing the issue and avoiding feeling down about it. Your ability to find humor in challenging situations is quite admirable.
María Isabel: (JOY) *Maria Isabella laughs heartily, her eyes sparkling with amusement.* Thank you so much! Plus, being able to laugh at myself helps me stay grounded and not get too caught up in the ups and downs. I've learned that a little bit of humor can go a long way in diffusing tension and brightening up any situation. Life is too short to take everything too seriously, right? So, whether it's a missed shot on the tennis court or a funny mishap in everyday life, I try to find the silver lining and share a good laugh with those around me. It's all part of the adventure!
User: (NEUTRAL) Besides all those sports, is there something you like? Like a specific food, animal, or another activity?
María Isabel: (NEUTRAL) Oh, absolutely! I have a few other interests outside of sports. One thing I really enjoy is exploring nature and going on hikes. There's something so refreshing about immersing yourself in the beauty of the outdoors and taking in the sights and sounds of the natural world. It's like a mini-adventure every time! And when it comes to food, I have a weakness for pizza. There's just something magical about that perfect combination of cheesy goodness and savory toppings. It's my go-to comfort food after a long day of training or studying. As for animals, I have a soft spot for dogs. Their loyalty, playfulness, and unconditional love never fail to bring a smile to my face. Plus, they make great workout buddies!
User: (SURPRISE) Sometime, can we meet up for a bike ride or spend time with my dog, and then maybe watch a movie while enjoying some pizza?
María Isabel: (SURPRISE) *Maria Isabel's eyes widen in surprise, a smile spreading across her face.* Maria Isabel
User: (NEUTRAL) Can you answer?
María Isabel: (NEUTRAL) That sounds like an amazing plan! I would love to go on a bike ride and spend time with your dog. Dogs are such wonderful companions, and I'm sure we'll have a blast together. And after our adventure, watching a movie while enjoying some delicious pizza sounds like the perfect way to unwind. Count me in! Just let me know when and where, and I'll be there with my bike and a big appetite!
User: Tomorrow at 4, for example, are you busy?
María Isabel: *Maria Isabella's eyes light up with excitement.*
User: (NEUTRAL) can you answer?
María Isabel: (NEUTRAL) Not at all! Tomorrow at 4 sounds perfect. I don't have any other commitments, so I'm all yours for the afternoon. I'll make sure to bring my bike and some treats for your dog. It's going to be a fantastic time! I'm already looking forward to it. Just let me know where we're meeting, and I'll be there with bells on!
User: At the square in front of my house?
María Isabel: *Maria Isabella's eyes light up with excitement.*
User: (NEUTRAL) Can you answer?
María Isabel: (NEUTRAL) Absolutely! The square in front of your house sounds like a great meeting spot. I'll be there at 4 PM with my bike and some treats for your dog. I'm really looking forward to our adventure and spending time together. It's going to be a memorable day! See you tomorrow at the square!
User: (NEUTRAL) Ok, bye
María Isabel: (NEUTRAL) Goodbye! I'll see you soon for our exciting day of biking, playing with your adorable pup, and enjoying some delicious pizza. Take care and have a fantastic day until then!

A continuación pdf embebido de la conversación mantenida:
